viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

Hellvete. The Dharma Bum Tapes

Hellvete. The Dharma Bum Tapes (2020)

"In October 2017 I had the opportunity to spend a day with Beyt al Tapes and Pauwel Pauwelson to prepare a concert I had to play a couple of weeks later at the Le Guess Who? Festival. The day proved to be a turning point in my approach to music. Through out the day I started to play more and more accousticly and really started to understand how I could create the sounds I envisioned without the use of extra electronics. It was a spark that took me to new places that I’m still exploring up until this day. That was also the day the seed for Het Interstedelijk Harmoniumverbond was planted and started to grow very slowly. All good things in life grow slow…

The whole day was recorded by Beyt al Tapes on a 4-track reel-to-reel tape and is here presented in it’s pure form. The recordings are rough, warbled, cut-off, … but they tell the story of the quest that we went on that day. A quest looking for simplicity, power and enlightment."


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